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Number of items: 65.


Adnan, Adnan and Sujiarto, Heru and Iriantara, Yosal and Muliani, Yenny (2022) Management of Academic Supervision to Improve Teacher Performance at MTsN 3 and MTsN 4 Banjarmasin City. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 1297-1306. ISSN 2774-5406

Anggraeni, Happy Yulia and Prayuti, Yuyut (2022) Building a Copyright Legal Culture Through Awards to Book Authors: Building a Culture of Copyright Law Through the Giving of Appreciation to Authors. LEGAL BRIEF, 11 (4). pp. 2466-2477. ISSN 2722-4643

Apandi, Syaban and Wasliman, Iim and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Helmawati, Helmawati (2022) Community Empowerment in Establishing Entrepreneurial Behavior (Case Study at PKBM Bina Mandiri Cimahi City and PKBM Bina Warga Bandung District). International Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences (IJERSC), 3 (1). pp. 186-200. ISSN 2774-5406

Asiah, Ai and Sanusi, Achmad and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Mulyanto, Agus (2022) Implementation of the Partnership for SMKN 1 Cihampelas with the Industrial World (DUDI) to improve the competence of graduates. International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS), 1 (4). ISSN 2808-1765


Basari, Muhammad Hasan and Kuswarno, Engkus and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Mudrikah, Achmad (2022) Integrated Learning At Sma Terpadu Darussalam Rajapolah Tasikmalaya. IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education), 3 (1). pp. 31-52. ISSN 2721-8805


Fahruroji, Fahruroji (2022) Masyarakat Madani : Pluralisme dan Multikulturalisme. ZAHIR PUBLISHIN, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-466-159-0

Fahruroji, Fahruroji and KOHAR, ABDUL and NURJAMAN, NANDANG (2022) Land And Building Legality For Mosques, Case Study In Bojongloa Village, Rancaekek District, Bandung Regency. Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 55 (12). pp. 377-389. ISSN 0493-2137

Fahruroji, Fahruroji and MUFTIN, ALI and ARIPIN, ARIPIN (2022) Strategy Of Giving Waiting Time To Answer Questions Asked By Arabic Language Teachers To Madrasah Tsanawiyah Students. Journal Of Tianjin University Science And Technology, 55 (12). pp. 661-674. ISSN 0493-2137

Fatkhulloh, Faiz Karim and Erawan, Raden Dewangga Tresna and Alam, Rudi and Rhamdani, Nuron and Hanafiah, Hanafiah (2022) Manajemen Sarana Dan Prasarana Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Layanan Sma Negeri 1 Purwakarta. MUNTAZAM: JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM, 3 (02). ISSN 2723-6765

Fatkhulloh, Faiz Karim and Nurlaela, Narti and Haryani, Sri and Hanafiah, Hanafiah (2022) Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Kepala Madrasah Aliyah Karya Bakti Sukasari. MUNTAZAM: JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM, 3 (02). pp. 122-134. ISSN 2723-6765


Gunawan, Edi and Syamsudin, Abin and Iriantara, Yosal and Najmul Hidayat, Ayi (2022) Special Job Exchange Management (Bkk) In Improving Absorb Work And Growentrepreneurshipstudent At SMKN 1 Pacet Cianjur And SMKN Development Lembang Farm. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 3 (4). pp. 1445-1450. ISSN 2774-5406


Hakim, Lukman Al and Ulfiah, Ulfiah and Fahruroji, Fahruroji and Kosasih, Usep (2022) Improving The Quality of Islamic Religious Education Learning Through Revitalization of Teacher Deliberations of Islamic Religious Education Subjects. Journal of Sosial Science, 3 (1). pp. 103-114. ISSN 2720-9938

Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Azhari, Asan and Habibi, Muhammad Faiz and Fatkhulloh, Faiz Karim (2022) Manajemen Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Lulusan Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Taruna Karya 76 Nurul Falah. MUNTAZAM: JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM, 3 (01). ISSN 2723-6765

Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Sutarman, Sutarman (2022) Pai Teacher Pedagogic Competence In Improving Students'interest And Achievement In Elementary Schools In Bandung City. Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 11 (4). ISSN 2581-1754

Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Wasliman, Iim and Kosasih, Usep and Muhsin, Hadijah (2022) Accreditation Management in Improving the Performance Quality of Madrasah Aliyah. Specialusis Ugdymas, 1 (43). pp. 9639-9651. ISSN 2424-3299

Hendradi, Prionggo and Sanusi, Achmad and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Muchtar, Hendi Suhendraya (2022) Information and Communication Technology Media Management in Improving the Quality of Learning in Vocational Middle School (SMK). Journal of Islamicate Studies, 5 (1). pp. 45-54. ISSN 2620-6293

Hendradi, Prionggo and Sanusi, Achmad and Muchtar, Hendi Suhendraya and Hanafiah, Hanafiah (2022) Information and Communication Technology Media Management in Improving the Quality of Learning in Vocational Middle School (SMK). Journal of Islamicate Studies, 5 (1). pp. 45-54. ISSN 2620-6293

Hermawan, Totok and Wasliman, Iim and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Yeni, Yeni and Muliani, Muliana (2022) Implementation for Strengthening Field Work Practices in Improving Technical Skills Students of Vocational School of Building Modeling and Information Design (DPIB) for Dealing with the World of Work (Study case at SMKN 9 Garut, West Java). In: 1st Virtual Workshop on Writing Scientific Article for International Publication Indexed SCOPUS.

Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Ismelani, Nana (2022) PERAN BALAI LATIHAN KERJA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN MASYARAKAT. Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education, 1 (4). pp. 181-190.



Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Ratnawulan, Teti and Aljihad, Fuad and Heri, Heri (2022) Manajemen Sistem Penilaian dan Pelaporan Pembelajaran Daring di SMA (Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap). JURNAL KRIDATAMA SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI, 4 (02). pp. 217-229. ISSN 2656-6966

Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Ratnawulan, Teti and Hasim, Ismail and Makhmudah, Siti and Purwanto, Muhammad Eko (2022) The Influence Of Perception Of Leadership Style And Climate Organization On Teacher Performance. International Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences (IJERSC), 3 (6). pp. 2420-2432. ISSN 2774-5406

Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Ratnawulan, Teti and Mujiburrohman, Mujiburrohman and Muhtad, Fauzi Al (2022) Manajemen Budaya Pondok Pesantren Roudlotut Tholibin Sirau Kemranjen Banyumas dalam Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Santri. JURNAL KRIDATAMA SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI, 4 (02). pp. 161-172. ISSN 2656-6966

Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Sauri, R Supyan and Rukman, Entang and Rukmana, Jajang (2022) Manajemen Kepala Sekolah Untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Di SMP Negeri 46 Bandung. MUNTAZAM: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION MANAGEMENT, 3 (02).

Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Zulfikar, Raden Riki Barkah and Danil, Muhammad (2022) MANAJEMEN PELATIHAN KERJA DI LPK BINA GATARA MUDA DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN PRODUKTIVITAS MASYARAKAT GARUT UTARA. Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Budaya, 1 (3). pp. 122-130. ISSN 2962-0864


Indriani, Yulia and Wasliman, Iim and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Ratnawulan, Teti (2022) Management of Developmental Assessment In Improving The Quality of Learning for Students With Special Needs In Inclusive Schools. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 1288-1292. ISSN 2774-5406


Kresnanda, Surya and Abin Syamsudin M, Tb. and Ratnawulan, Teti and Syaodih, Cahya (2022) Management Of Training Systems In Improving Hr Competency In Oil Palm Plantation Companies PT. Kayung Agro Lestari, And PT. Austindo Jaya Nusantara Agri Siais. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 3 (4). pp. 866-874. ISSN 2722-4015

Kresnawaty, Anita and Wasliman, Iim and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Fatkhullah, Faiz Karim (2022) Institutional Management Planning In Improving The Quality Of Paud In Kindergarten Naurahhuda Karawang. International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS), 1 (4). ISSN 2808-1765

Kurniasih, Nunung and Wasliman, Iim and Ratnawulan, Teti and Mulyanto, Agus (2022) Implementation of Principal's Total Quality Management (TQM) in Improving Teacher Professional Competence at Private Elementary School. International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS), 2 (1). ISSN 2808-1765


Mastiani, Emay and Pertiwi, Dwi Endah and Wahidah, Eva Amaliah (2022) PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM PEMBELAJARAN MENCUCI PERALATAN MAKAN BAGI ANAK TUNAGRAHITA RINGAN JENJANG SMA LB. Inclusive: Journal of Special Education, 8 (1). ISSN 2775-457X

Muhtar, Zainal and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Sauri, Sufyan and Fatkhullah, Faiz Karim (2022) Education Management Program “Unhan Mengajar ” In Building The Character Of The Nation, Learning From Indonesia. Neuro Quantology, 20 (13). pp. 1265-1283. ISSN 21742-6596

Muliani, Yenny (2022) Parasitoid Dan Predator Pengendali Serangga Hama. CV Jejak, anggota IKAPI, Sukabumi - Jawa Barat. ISBN 978-623-338-736-1

Muliani, Yenny and Adviany, Ida and Sangga, Andi Muhammad Akses (2022) Aplikasi Trichoderma harzianum Rifai. terhadap Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. allii pada Tanaman Bawang Daun (Allium fistulosum L.). AGROSCRIPT: Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 4 (2). pp. 83-93. ISSN 2685-9505

Muliani, Yenny and Irmawatie, Lilis and Andriana, Arisandi and Adviany, Ida and Suswana, Suli (2022) Aplikasi Entomopatogen Beauvaria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. untuk Mengendalikan Spodoptera litura F. Hama pada Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.). AGROSCRIPT: Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 32-38. ISSN 2685-9505

Muliani, Yenny and Irmawatie, Lilis and Sukma, Siti Mariyam and Srimurni, Rafika Ratik and Adviany, Ida and Ustari, Debby and Milani, Mia Nurul (2022) Antagonism Trichoderma harzianum Rifai in Suppresing the Intensity of Antraknosa (Colletotrichum capcisi Sydow.) Disease. Al-Hayat: Journal of Biology and Applied Biology, 5 (1). pp. 75-88. ISSN 2622-0725

Muliani, Yenny and Srimurni, Rafika Ratik (2022) Agensia Pengendali Hayati. CV. Jejak, Sukabumi - Jawa Barat. ISBN 978-623-498-099-8

Mulyani, Mulyani and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Sukandar, Ahmad (2022) Implementasi Lesson Study dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru di SMA Badan Perguruan Indonesia Kota Bandung. Edukasi: Journal of Educational Research, 2 (1). pp. 138-150. ISSN 2776-7809

Mulyani, Mulyani and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Sukendar, Asep (2022) Implementasi Lesson Studydalam MeningkatkanKompetensi Pedagogik Guru di SMA Badan Perguruan Indonesia Kota Bandung. Edukasi: The Journal of Educational Research, 2 (1). ISSN 2776-7809

Mustofa, Bisri and Trisnamansyah, Sutaryat and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Fatkhulloh, Faiz Karim (2022) Education And Training Management Of Supervisors Leadership To Improve The Quality Performance Implementation Of Change Action In Police Organization. International Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences (IJERSC), 3 (2). pp. 677-689. ISSN 2774-5406

Musyadad, Vina Febiani and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Tanjung, Rahman and Arifudin, Opan (2022) Supervisi Akademik untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Kerja Guru dalam Membuat Perangkat Pembelajaran. JIIP-Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan, 5 (6). pp. 1936-1941. ISSN 2614-8854


Nahwan, Darwin and Nurhayani, Noneng and Muliani, Yenny and Ninawati, Ninawati and Ernawati, Nani and Nugroho, Iwan Satrio and Zarkasih, RAS (2022) Analisis, Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Industri dan Kompetensi SDM yang mendukungnya. CV. Jejak, Sukabumi - Jawa Barat. ISBN 978-623-338-944-0

Nurlatifah, Nurlatifah and Waslliman, Iim and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Sauri, Supyan (2022) Strategic Management of Principals In Improving Quality Junior High Schools. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 1983-1990. ISSN 2774-5406


Patriah, Minda and Sanusi, Achmad and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Sauri, Supyan (2022) E-Learning Applications in Pack C Equality Education in Improving Student Learning Quality. Journal of Islamicate Studies, 5 (1). pp. 86-94. ISSN 2620-6293

Permana, Rudiansah Sidik and Hidayat, Ayi Najmul (2022) PEMBELAJARAN KURSUS MENJAHIT DI LPK YANI 45 (Studi Deskriptif Kursus Menjahit Di LPK Yani 45 Soreang Kabupaten Bandung). Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Budaya, 1 (3). pp. 131-136. ISSN 2962-0864

Prayuti, Yuyut and Jamaludin, Ahmad (2022) MODEL PENCEGAHAN KEJAHATAN SEKSUAL DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN PESANTREN. Res Nullius Law Journal, 4 (2). pp. 161-169. ISSN 2656-7261

Putra, Rizka Andhika and Hidayat, Ayi Najmul (2022) Implementasi Penjaminan Mutu Internal dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta. Jurnal Edukasi (Ekonomi, Pendidikan dan Akuntansi), 10 (2). pp. 179-190. ISSN 2580-8818


Rahma, Marliana and Sanusi, Achmad and Fahruroji, Fahruroji and Koswara, Nandang (2022) Management Of Improving Reproductive Healthy Lifestyle In Students' Environment Subang District Junior High School. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 3 (2). pp. 387-393. ISSN 2722-4015

Ratnawulan, Teti (2022) Manajemen SUmber Daya Pendidikan Menuju Sekolah Merdeka Belajar. Elmarkazi, Bengkulu. ISBN 978-623-331-263-9


Ratnawulan, Teti and Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Mugiarto, Mugiarto and Chamidi, Agus Salim (2022) Manajemen Pondok Pesantren dalam Pembentukan Sikap Kemandirian Santri di Pondok Pesantren Ell-Futhah Bulupayung. JURNAL KRIDATAMA SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI, 4 (02). pp. 260-273. ISSN 2656-6966

Ratnawulan, Teti and Qohar, Hendri Abdul and Rahman, Sauzan Adibah Putri (2022) Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan Melalui Permainan Papan Kata Bagi Anak Tunagrahita Ringan. Jurnal Kewarganegaraan, 6 (4). pp. 6688-6694. ISSN 2723-2328

Ruhviyanti, Novi and Wasliman, Iim and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Tejawiani, Ida (2022) Implementation Of The Balanced Scorecard In Improving The Performance Of Private Universities. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 1242-1246. ISSN 2774-5406

Rusmana, Jajang and Fatkhulloh, Faiz Karim and Ardiana, Lufi and Trianugrahwati, Desemberi and Hanafiah, Hanafiah (2022) Manajemen Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Siswa Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri (Sd) Rancamanyar 01 Kecamatan Baleendah Kabupaten Bandung. MUNTAZAM: JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM, 3 (02). pp. 135-146. ISSN 2723-6765


Saepulloh, Saepulloh and Sauri, Sofyan and Muchtar, Hendi Suhendraya and Hanafiah, Hanafiah (2022) Management of Teacher Performance Improvement in Realizing Professional Teachers. International Journal of Social Science, Education, Communication and Economics (SINOMICS JOURNAL), 1 (3). pp. 333-356. ISSN 2829-7350

Setiawati, Yanti Hasbian and Wasliman, Iim and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Rostini, Deti (2022) Transformational Leadership in Improving Lecturer Performance in Higher Education. International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management (IJSETM), 1 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2830-389X

Sonjaya, Soni (2022) Theatre of Mind Pendengar Radio di Era Media Sosial. ProListik, 7 (1). pp. 35-42. ISSN 2723-4061

Suherman, Jajang and Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Khoeriah, N Dede and Insan, Husen Saeful (2022) Budget Based Education Financing Management. Journal of Islamicate Studies, 5 (1). pp. 113-125. ISSN 2620-6293

Supriatna, Supriatna and Ulfiah, Ulfiah and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Karim Fatkhullah, Faiz (2022) Sufism Approach Management in Fostering Students' Noble Morals. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 3 (4). pp. 1682-1688. ISSN 2774-5406

Suwandi, Suwandi and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Iriantara, Yosal and Sulastini, Rita (2022) Dual Based Assessment in Improving the Quality of Skills at the Center of Excellence Vocational School. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 3 (4). pp. 1701-1707. ISSN 2774-5406


Turmuktini, T and Irawan, R and Taryana, Y and Widodo, RW and Muliani, Yenny and Kantikowati, E and Simarmata, T (2022) Effect of formulated biochar on nodule production, dry matter and grain yield of black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) in Indonesia. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 22 (115). pp. 21825-21839. ISSN 16845374


Ulfiah, Ulfiah and Ariyani, Wiwik Dyah and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Kosasih, Fitriyani (2022) Internal Quality Assurance Management To Improve Graduate Absorption. International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS), 1 (4). ISSN 2808-1765


Yulianti, Lia and Lova, Nova Rati and Wahidin, Didin and Hanafiah, Hanafiah (2022) Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Dosen. Jurnal Educatio FKIP UNMA, 8 (4). pp. 1547-1560. ISSN 2548-6756


Z, Eddy Khairani and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Iriantara, Yosal and Sauri, HR Supyan (2022) Community Participation in the Adiwiyata Program for Strengthening Character Education of MAN Students in South Kalimantan. JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan), 7 (1). p. 399. ISSN 2548-7094

Zuhriatusobah, Juju and Rahayu, Yulianita (2022) MILLENIALS IN ISLAMIC DIGITAL ECONOMY SUSTAINABILITY. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 21. pp. 1-9.

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