Items where Author is "Ratnawulan, Teti"

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Number of items: 25.


Ratnawulan, Teti and Mujianto, Heri and Alamsyah, Asep Dani (2023) Implementation of Prayer Worship Learning Through Demontration Method on Multi Disability Visual Impairment Students in Improving Practice Skills of Prayer Worship (Case Study in Class Ii Slb NA Pajajaran Bandung): 10.2478/bjlp-2023-0000098. Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 16 (3). pp. 1218-1231. ISSN 2029-0454

Astuti, Eka Yuli and Ratnawulan, Teti and Santoso, Yoga Budhi and Pertiwi, Dwi Endah and Ridwan, Prinanda Gustarina and Effendi, Zulfa Rahmah (2023) The Interactive Web-Based Learning in Online Learning for Blind Students and Deaf Students in Higher Education. Journal of ICSAR, 7 (1). p. 171. ISSN 2548-8619

DARIYO, AGOES and Wijaya, Ade Surya and Tumanggor, Raja O. and Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Ratnawulan, Teti (2023) PERAN MANAJEMEN PENJAMINAN MUTU INTERNAL AKADEMIK UNTUK MEWUJUDKAN MOTIVASI PRESTASI MAHASISWA. Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu, 9 (01). pp. 110-120. ISSN 2407-912X

Kurniasih, Nunung and Wasliman, Iim and Ratnawulan, Teti and Mulyanto, Agus (2022) Implementation of Principal's Total Quality Management (TQM) in Improving Teacher Professional Competence at Private Elementary School. International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS), 2 (1). ISSN 2808-1765

Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Ratnawulan, Teti and Hasim, Ismail and Makhmudah, Siti and Purwanto, Muhammad Eko (2022) The Influence Of Perception Of Leadership Style And Climate Organization On Teacher Performance. International Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences (IJERSC), 3 (6). pp. 2420-2432. ISSN 2774-5406

Kresnanda, Surya and Abin Syamsudin M, Tb. and Ratnawulan, Teti and Syaodih, Cahya (2022) Management Of Training Systems In Improving Hr Competency In Oil Palm Plantation Companies PT. Kayung Agro Lestari, And PT. Austindo Jaya Nusantara Agri Siais. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 3 (4). pp. 866-874. ISSN 2722-4015

Indriani, Yulia and Wasliman, Iim and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Ratnawulan, Teti (2022) Management of Developmental Assessment In Improving The Quality of Learning for Students With Special Needs In Inclusive Schools. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 1288-1292. ISSN 2774-5406

Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Ratnawulan, Teti and Mujiburrohman, Mujiburrohman and Muhtad, Fauzi Al (2022) Manajemen Budaya Pondok Pesantren Roudlotut Tholibin Sirau Kemranjen Banyumas dalam Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Santri. JURNAL KRIDATAMA SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI, 4 (02). pp. 161-172. ISSN 2656-6966

Ratnawulan, Teti and Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Mugiarto, Mugiarto and Chamidi, Agus Salim (2022) Manajemen Pondok Pesantren dalam Pembentukan Sikap Kemandirian Santri di Pondok Pesantren Ell-Futhah Bulupayung. JURNAL KRIDATAMA SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI, 4 (02). pp. 260-273. ISSN 2656-6966

Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Ratnawulan, Teti and Aljihad, Fuad and Heri, Heri (2022) Manajemen Sistem Penilaian dan Pelaporan Pembelajaran Daring di SMA (Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap). JURNAL KRIDATAMA SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI, 4 (02). pp. 217-229. ISSN 2656-6966

Ratnawulan, Teti and Qohar, Hendri Abdul and Rahman, Sauzan Adibah Putri (2022) Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan Melalui Permainan Papan Kata Bagi Anak Tunagrahita Ringan. Jurnal Kewarganegaraan, 6 (4). pp. 6688-6694. ISSN 2723-2328

Ratnawulan, Teti and Ridwan, Prinanda Gustarina and Santoso, Yoga Budi and Astuti, Eka Yuli and Mastiani, Emay and Sulistyorini, Indiah Wisjnu and Mustika, Argiasri and Romadhona, Panji (2021) The Effect of Interactive Web-Based Learning (LWL) Model on Learning Outcomes Students with Visual Impairment and Students with Hearing Impairment at Universitas Islam Nusantara. Journal of ICSAR, 5 (2). pp. 46-53. ISSN 2548-8600

Jaelani, Deny Ahmad and Wasliman, Iim and Ratnawulan, Teti and Iriantara, Yosal (2021) Implementation of the Quality Performance of PAI High School Teachers In the Sukabumicity. IJO-International Journal of Educational Research (ISSN: 2805-413X), 4 (03). 01-13. ISSN 2805-413X

Punomo, D Punomo D and Wasliman, Iim and AF, Ikka Kartika and Ratnawulan, Teti (2021) POLYTECHNIC LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES IN IMPROVING LECTURERS PROFESSIONAL (Case Study at the Jakarta LP3I Polytechnic). International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 2 (6). pp. 17-28.

Ratnawulan, Teti and Sulistyorini, Indiah Wisjnu and Astuti, Eka Yuli and Novianti, Ranti and Ayundhari, Vidia Lantari and Hidayat, Ayi Najmul and Septiana, Fajar Indra and Nurrohman, Yusuf Agung (2021) Positive Parenting of Early Years DownSyndrome Children through Guidence Program and Client Centered Counseling Model. Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, 5 (3). pp. 1494-1499. ISSN 2587-0130

Santoso, Yoga Budhi and Astuti, Eka Yuli and Ratnawulan, Teti and Khoeriah, N. Dede and Hakim, Luki Luqmanul (2020) Development assistive technology for students with hearing impairments. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1539 (1). 012042. ISSN 1742-6588

Khoeriah, N Dede and Astuti, Eka Yuli and Ardiansyah, Tirta and Ratnawulan, Teti and Santoso, Yoga Budhi and Mastiani, Emay and Novianti, Ranti (2019) Assistive technology of vocational skills learning for children with cerebral palsy. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (1). ISSN 2277-3878

Farouq Ghoer, Hilman and Ratnawulan, Teti and Wachyudin, Wachyudin and Nani Mulyati, Euis (2017) SPECIAL NEED EDUCATION TEACHER’S COMPETENCY MASTERY THROUGH TEACHER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM I. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 327-333. ISSN 24545899


Ratnawulan, Teti and Ardiana, Lufi and Rusmana, Jajang and Kusmiyati, Nany and Yuningsih, Yuyun (2023) MANAJEMEN DAN KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH. Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penelitian Indonesia, Lingkungan Handayani, Leneng, Praya, Lombok Tengah, NTB.

Ratnawulan, Teti and Alam, Rudi and Trianugrahwati, Desemberi and Haryani, Sri and Nurlaela, Narti (2023) BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING: Dalam Peningkatan Peran Sekolah. Yayasan Insan Cendekia Indonesia Raya, Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penelitian Indonesia. ISBN 978-623-8280-27-8 (In Press)

Ratnawulan, Teti and Ardiana, Lufi and Rusmana, Jajang and Kusmiyati, Nany and Yuningsih, Yuyun (2023) MANAJEMEN DAN KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH: Implementasi di Satuan Pendidikan Tingkat Dasar. Yayasan Insan Cendekia Indonesia Raya, Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penelitian Indonesia. ISBN 978-623-8280-29-2 (In Press)

Ratnawulan, Teti (2022) Manajemen SUmber Daya Pendidikan Menuju Sekolah Merdeka Belajar. Elmarkazi, Bengkulu. ISBN 978-623-331-263-9


Ratnawulan, Teti and Akbar, Hilman and Ludin, Jenal (2021) Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Menuju Sekolah MANTAP Manajemen Transparan, Akuntabel, Partisipatif. PT. Alfa Inspirasi Nusantara, Kota Bandung-Jawa Barat. ISBN 978–623–90114–4–4

Ratnawulan, Teti (2017) BUKU BIMBINGAN KONSELING SMP. FKIP Uninus Bandung, JI. Soekarno-Hatta No. 530 Bandung 40286. (Submitted)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 05:36:38 2025 WIB.